Degree Specializations

Earn a valuable credential, a Doctorate Degree from California Intercontinental University

How do busy professionals like you go back to school while balancing work or raising a family? You do it online, on your terms. Whether you want to move into a leadership role, build your level of knowledge or make an impact in the world—a Doctorate Degree from California Intercontinental University can help you do it.
Browse our wide range of Doctorate Degree options below:

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Admission Requirements

1) Master’s or Bachelor’s Degree

2) Curriculum Vitae / Professional Resume

3) Application for Admission

Median Usual Weekly Earnings *

Doctorate Degree - $1,743
Master's Degree - $1,401
Bachelor's Degree - $1,173

*2017 earnings by educational attainment according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics.  Source

100% Online, Accredited, & On Your Schedule.
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